Archive for the ‘ Crap. ’ Category

A day that shook Japan..

Paiseh here, and today, I would like to stop for a second and sending my grief to the land of the Rising Sun.

As people already know, on Friday, 11th March, the world eyes has stared into one place, Japan. As the land of the Rising Sun being shaken with 8.9 Richter earthquake. Followed with aftershocks and tsunami the damage is just… Speechless.

But, Japan had worse, and rise up again. For this, I’m sure some knew this were coming anyway. All we can do for now, is help them as much as we can, regardless of what it is. As for now, all I could do now is pray for their safety and protection.
If anyone interested to help, Here’s a good place to start.

In other news… A shameful act of joke been made by my country’s local newspaper company..

Source : iReport by CNN.

“A caricature in their editor’s column that depicts Ultraman as trying to outrun an incoming tsunami.”

But seriously, why would you make a joke about a country that been strucked by disaster? On the side note, that work has been drawed, checked, approved, reviewed and published. This work of art is just a total offence towards the Japanese and a disgrace act of my country.
As a citizen of my country, I am NOT PROUD OF THIS blasphemy. Instead, I’m disappointed to this and sincerely apologize to every single living Japanese in the world, wherever they are. This art is not a good idea regarding a country in distress.
In the end, it’s our own decision and opinion regarding to this..

I think that’s all for now. IS review will be posted, when I get my hands on the new Ep. For now, Paiseh is out and wishing every Japanese the best of luck, safety and protection.
With that, a moment of silence….

Busy, busy, busy…. (Infinite Stratos Ep. 4-8 review included.)

It’s been a while I’m posting updates, reviews, crap, randoms etc. And I also left behind with my Yosuga no Sora review!

Jeez. University totally made me busy these days.

Eventually, I had borrowed a few years old HP Pavilion TX1316AU (belonged to my family, with some “dark” history of it, go figure.), since I’m in freaking dire of using a laptop for works. And just when assignments are started to passed on…. The laptop fries…

Not when the busy just started… DDDDD:

And again, i’m laptop-less for the time being.

In other news, I’m still catching up with Infinite Stratos – IS, and it’s currently at Episode 9. Oddly, Ayako Fansub’s release wasn’t released, yet. Guess I have to wait, then.
As for now… Time to catch back on the reviews…

IS Reviews

Warning : Spoiler for those haven’t watched. You’ve been warned.

Ep. 4 : New battle begins!
No wait, it’s Inter-Class Tournament! And first round Ichika meet is… Fan Rinn??? This is just too early… Thank God, it was a good match until, some unguided IS interupted the match!! At least, Ichika and Rinn managed to save themselves and beat that unguided IS. Meh…

Ep. 5 : Another IS-boy pilot???
Meet Charles Dunois, France’s represntative student candidate and he’s a boy??? The face looks the other. Oh well. On the other hand, it’s practice combat time. Fann and Alcott team up in this practice against Yamada-Sensei. I think you all know what ends with it. Not to forget… Another transfer student appeared, just after Charles popped in???
Oh, She’s Laura Bodewig from Germany and… She slapped Ichika… WTF?

Ep. 6 : Secrets, secrets, secrets…
Ehh… What should I say… Too much secret happened to be revealed here. And the fact that Charles is a girl… I sense that tend to be coming any soon. Still, Laura’s hatred motive towards Ichika is quite inconclusive for me there…

Ep. 7 : Suprise, suprise, suprise…
Just when you thought… Houki asked to Ichika to go out if she wins. But turns out someone misinterpret it and turned into a rumor that whoever won on the tournament will able to go out with Ichika.. Sounds like it’s better than nothing. And… Laura’s action against Rinn and Alcott is just not acceptable, IMO.
And oh, the next matches in the tournament is going to be like… Pairs… And Ichika and Charles will against… Laura and Houki??!!! This is too soon.

Ep. 8 : 2v2 and some suprise.
It’s time for the Tournament! Ichika & Charles vs. Laura & Houki! Charles able to knock out Houki pretty easy, and Laura pretty ended up ganked much at there. But then… Something happened, Laura went out of control and… Ichika solves it all. *phew*
But then, it’s decided that Charles— I mean, Charlotte, stays at IS Academy… as a girl.

IS Ep. 9 Preview.

It’s summer and they’re going to the beach! Can’t wait for Ayako’s release.

And…. That’s all for now. YnS will be reviewed… Soon enough, when the coast is clear to watch… With that, Paiseh is out at here.

New Year, New Goals, New Resolutions. Sort of…

OK. First of all. Happy new year of 2011. I hope people around the world had a great time so far…

As for me, things are quite hectic for me… Second semester of university studies started. And things are hectic in 2 days. What the heck. I didn’t get a laptop yet and I’ll be dire to use it soon… This won’t be pretty…

Moving on.
On the other hand, Yosuga no Sora (YnS) has ended and I managed to download all 12 episodes. Yes, you heard me. But then again, I won’t able to review my opinions about the rest 7 episodes that I missed to review soon enough, not till I manage to balance this life first. As I said at the last post, I’ll keep everyone updated about the review..

As 2011 arrives, so does new anime seasons… As for me, I only interested to one anime only…

IS : Infinie Stratos!!

Info :

And yes, it’s one of the mecha anime. When I think of this anime, I think of… Here’s the math…

IS = Vandread + Kurogane no Linebarrels

Funny, eh? Anyways, this anime will is my next target. I hope it’s gonna be a good mecha+harem anime. Rofl.

Anyways, that’s all for now. Time for balance my life before the long awaited Ep 6-12 of YnS review. See you all on the next post.

Paiseh out.

Season’s Greetings…

It’s December and it’s almost Christmas… That marks that 2010 is almost over. Not to forget my holiday will over too. On the other hand, Yosuga no Sora is almost to the end. 1 more episode and it’s over. (Although I haven’t got Ep.9, yet.) I’ll keep update to that later.

In the meantime, enjoy your holidays… Season’s greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy 2011…
Just make sure you’ll be safe this holiday.

YnS Ep. 5 (NSFW Alert)

Warning : This post contains some spoiler and some Not Safe For Work images. If you do not wish to spoil it, stop reading this.

Once again. Yosuga no Sora (YnS) episode 5 is out. As usual, I’m taking thanks to UTW-Ryuumaru’s version of it. And what do you know… This episode marks the new arc of Akira Amatsume. I must say, Akira is quite daring…
Oh well here’s some screenies…

The special section before ending is so funny… Again, more screenie.


Anyways, I can’t wait for Ep. 6, of course… Things are just getting… Twisting…

I was wondering…

As the title says… I was wondering what made some people looking for at my blog at 1st November. If you guys looking for YnS, here’s some info. Ryuumaru’s release and some other subs is not out yet, so bear with it. Hope my net wasn’t screwed up for downloading it.

DoTA – Faceless Void

It’s midnight, and I’m bored. So I decided to play an Ai match of DoTA…
For those who haven’t knew what’s DoTA, it’s a custom map that is famous worldwide these days. Nuff said. Go google it.

Moving on. I played as a Faceless Void, tho I haven’t played DoTA for while…

Anyways, here some pics.

In the end…

Need to say more? Ai on DoTA is random.

EDIT : This is what I used for DoTA program, it’s for visual changes and some hotkey stuffs.

YnS Ep. 4 Preview.

Warning : This post contains some spoiler. If you do not wish to spoil it, stop reading this.

Yosuga no Sora episode 4… Now makes me crazier… Here’s a hint…


Nuff said. *Goes Vuze and torrent it A.S.A.P.*

Another boring times…

Another boring day… Although exam is nearby, but still. I’m dead bored and need some entertainment on this bad-net-at-morning net. Rofl. In the meantime, my brain is stuck with the early song I posted… Damn, this song is addicting…

Updates, exams, more anime episodes…

As I mention last time, I won’t be hiatus for exam, because I’ll be catching up with new anime episodes that will be release soon. But still, any updates will be inform.

Oh by the way. I changed my blog theme, looks a bit better now and spacey… xD

Anyways, see ya later!